DALTON Technique

What is it?

Myoskeletal Alignment Technique is a hands-on bodywork system designed to restore function, relieve pain, rebalance, and reeducate the body.

How is it done?

Created by Erik Dalton, MAT is a slow partner stretch that decreases muscle tension and balances joint mobility.

When should I have it?

MAT can be performed at any time. A range of motion test will be done before treatment, to asses areas of pain. At DreaTchal our 2hour MAT treatment is performed by a Licensed Therapist. It is recommended to receive at least 1 or 2 MLD treatments before MAT, to simulate and flush your lymphatic system, soften and increase the stretch in your skin, and relax your nervous system

Why do I need this?

No person is entirely symmetrical. Add in the normal stress of left or right-side dominance, working on your computer, sitting at your desk, long commutes, injuries, and texting, and you have the perfect recipe for weak posture. Resulting in pain and weakness in your joints and muscles. The MAT method “level the head and the tail” helps re-balance the body and retrain the nervous system.